Are you living for tomorrow?

I’m reading The Girl Who Fell From The Sky- if you haven't read this already you must!

Without spoiling the details, Emma Carey is in a terrible skydiving accident that has left her a paraplegic. Since then Emma has become an inspiration with her optimistic mindset and how she finds and shares joy in the most ordinary moments and reminds you to live life to the fullest. It’s one of those books where you say you will read just a few pages and then one hour later you are still reading. 

Emma’s book along with my beautiful cousin dying of cancer at 43 has been my 2023 reminder that tomorrow is not promised to anyone. Some people tell me it is a morbid reminder and others tell me how brave I am for stepping away from the safety of a 9 to 5 job to start my own coaching business. Without this reminder, I wouldn’t have had the courage to do so. The truth is, staying in my job was comfortable but it was sucking my soul. I kept thinking each day would get better and waiting for others to change. It wasn’t until I sat down with my coach and came back to what really mattered to me that I realised there is more to life than following a plan and making money today to be happy later.  

If you are here reading this waiting for things to change, enjoying your comfort zone, doing small and satisfying things like ticking tasks off your to-do list then I am here to give you that uncomfortable kick up the bum that you are so much more than where you are right now. Life is short, you have amazing skills, life experience, and dreams. Stop waiting for your dream opportunity to come to you. Go out and get it gal, I won’t be the only one backing you and if you weren’t doubting yourself I would be worried, it means you are playing it too safe. 

These are my three 2023 daily reminders to make the most of today and to put my big girl pants on. 

1. Don't wish your life away. It's easy to think when I have [a new job/ partner/ more money/ travel] then I will be happy. Doing this denies you of the everyday moments of happiness and appreciating what you have already got. My challenge to you is what can you be thankful for and appreciate today? 

2. Don't wait for others to reach out and bring opportunities to you. You have the ability to create and be the change you want. If you are waiting then you could wait forever and that's dam miserable. Get out there, start the conversation, and create your own opportunities. 

3. Ask yourself what is the least regrettable decision I can make. Playing small keeps you safe and your brain happy but I guarantee it’s stopping you from being the badass, bold version of you. Being bold takes courage and when we ask ourselves what is the least regrettable decision I can make, I promise you it won’t be the small one with security. 

Time doesn’t wait for anyone and I trust you, you have everything you need to make the most of your time. Working with a coach who cheered me on and kept me from playing small made all the difference to back myself, you might also find it valuable. Book a free discovery call to create more of what matters. 


You are not fu*ked